HSMC (Hunterdon County, Somerset County, and Mercer County) Tri-county STEM Ecosystem Consortium believes in the foundational principle that communities must come together for the benefit of providing opportunities for all in STEM. The Ecosystem is bringing together multiple superintendents of schools from throughout Hunterdon, Somerset, and Mercer Counties in New Jersey.
Additional support is coming from business industries, higher education institutions, private and public preschools, local arts organizations, environmental education centers, before-school and after-school providers, and municipal leaders.
All partners are working with the intention to unite efforts for communities to impact
New Jersey’s STEM workforce gap and to ensure students have a positive STEM identity. HSMC (Hunterdon County, Somerset County, and Mercer County) Tri-county STEM Ecosystem Consortium members are committed to guiding principles that provide STEM opportunities for all students, support to community leaders, and partnerships between K - 12 institutions and higher education institutions.

Shown in the picture above is Ron Ottinger and Gerald Solomon on the right and FRSD Superintendent, Dr. Kari McGann and FRSD Supervisor of Technology Ralph Losanno. Gerald is the Director of the Samueli Foundation and Ron is the Director of STEM Next Foundation. Both are SLECOP funders for the STEM Learning Ecosystems.

Dr. Kari McGann

Ralph Losanno
New Jersey